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What is stored in the DB

The LiteLLM Proxy uses a PostgreSQL database to store various information. Here's are the main features the DB is used for:

  • Virtual Keys, Organizations, Teams, Users, Budgets, and more.
  • Per request Usage Tracking

You can see the full DB Schema here

DB Tables​

Organizations, Teams, Users, End Users​

Table NameDescriptionRow Insert Frequency
LiteLLM_OrganizationTableManages organization-level configurations. Tracks organization spend, model access, and metadata. Links to budget configurations and teams.Low
LiteLLM_TeamTableHandles team-level settings within organizations. Manages team members, admins, and their roles. Controls team-specific budgets, rate limits, and model access.Low
LiteLLM_UserTableStores user information and their settings. Tracks individual user spend, model access, and rate limits. Manages user roles and team memberships.Low
LiteLLM_EndUserTableManages end-user configurations. Controls model access and regional requirements. Tracks end-user spend.Low
LiteLLM_TeamMembershipTracks user participation in teams. Manages team-specific user budgets and spend.Low
LiteLLM_OrganizationMembershipManages user roles within organizations. Tracks organization-specific user permissions and spend.Low
LiteLLM_InvitationLinkHandles user invitations. Manages invitation status and expiration. Tracks who created and accepted invitations.Low
LiteLLM_UserNotificationsHandles model access requests. Tracks user requests for model access. Manages approval status.Low


Table NameDescriptionRow Insert Frequency
LiteLLM_VerificationTokenManages Virtual Keys and their permissions. Controls token-specific budgets, rate limits, and model access. Tracks key-specific spend and metadata.Medium - stores all Virtual Keys

Model (LLM) Management​

Table NameDescriptionRow Insert Frequency
LiteLLM_ProxyModelTableStores model configurations. Defines available models and their parameters. Contains model-specific information and settings.Low - Configuration only

Budget Management​

Table NameDescriptionRow Insert Frequency
LiteLLM_BudgetTableStores budget and rate limit configurations for organizations, keys, and end users. Tracks max budgets, soft budgets, TPM/RPM limits, and model-specific budgets. Handles budget duration and reset timing.Low - Configuration only

Tracking & Logging​

Table NameDescriptionRow Insert Frequency
LiteLLM_SpendLogsDetailed logs of all API requests. Records token usage, spend, and timing information. Tracks which models and keys were used.High - every LLM API request - Success or Failure
LiteLLM_AuditLogTracks changes to system configuration. Records who made changes and what was modified. Maintains history of updates to teams, users, and models.Off by default, High - when enabled

Disable LiteLLM_SpendLogs​

You can disable spend_logs and error_logs by setting disable_spend_logs and disable_error_logs to True on the general_settings section of your proxy_config.yaml file.

disable_spend_logs: True # Disable writing spend logs to DB
disable_error_logs: True # Only disable writing error logs to DB, regular spend logs will still be written unless `disable_spend_logs: True`

What is the impact of disabling these logs?​

When disabling spend logs (disable_spend_logs: True):

  • You will not be able to view Usage on the LiteLLM UI
  • You will continue seeing cost metrics on s3, Prometheus, Langfuse (any other Logging integration you are using)

When disabling error logs (disable_error_logs: True):

  • You will not be able to view Errors on the LiteLLM UI
  • You will continue seeing error logs in your application logs and any other logging integrations you are using

Migrating Databases​

If you need to migrate Databases the following Tables should be copied to ensure continuation of services and no downtime

Table NameDescription
LiteLLM_VerificationTokenRequired to ensure existing virtual keys continue working
LiteLLM_UserTableRequired to ensure existing virtual keys continue working
LiteLLM_TeamTableRequired to ensure Teams are migrated
LiteLLM_TeamMembershipRequired to ensure Teams member budgets are migrated
LiteLLM_BudgetTableRequired to migrate existing budgeting settings
LiteLLM_OrganizationTableOptional Only migrate if you use Organizations in DB
LiteLLM_OrganizationMembershipOptional Only migrate if you use Organizations in DB
LiteLLM_ProxyModelTableOptional Only migrate if you store your LLMs in the DB (i.e you set STORE_MODEL_IN_DB=True)
LiteLLM_SpendLogsOptional Only migrate if you want historical data on LiteLLM UI
LiteLLM_ErrorLogsOptional Only migrate if you want historical data on LiteLLM UI