StandardLoggingPayload Specification
Found under kwargs["standard_logging_object"]
. This is a standard payload, logged for every successful and failed response.
Field | Type | Description |
id | str | Unique identifier |
trace_id | str | Trace multiple LLM calls belonging to same overall request |
call_type | str | Type of call |
response_cost | float | Cost of the response in USD ($) |
response_cost_failure_debug_info | StandardLoggingModelCostFailureDebugInformation | Debug information if cost tracking fails |
status | StandardLoggingPayloadStatus | Status of the payload |
total_tokens | int | Total number of tokens |
prompt_tokens | int | Number of prompt tokens |
completion_tokens | int | Number of completion tokens |
startTime | float | Start time of the call |
endTime | float | End time of the call |
completionStartTime | float | Time to first token for streaming requests |
response_time | float | Total response time. If streaming, this is the time to first token |
model_map_information | StandardLoggingModelInformation | Model mapping information |
model | str | Model name sent in request |
model_id | Optional[str] | Model ID of the deployment used |
model_group | Optional[str] | model_group used for the request |
api_base | str | LLM API base URL |
metadata | StandardLoggingMetadata | Metadata information |
cache_hit | Optional[bool] | Whether cache was hit |
cache_key | Optional[str] | Optional cache key |
saved_cache_cost | float | Cost saved by cache |
request_tags | list | List of request tags |
end_user | Optional[str] | Optional end user identifier |
requester_ip_address | Optional[str] | Optional requester IP address |
messages | Optional[Union[str, list, dict]] | Messages sent in the request |
response | Optional[Union[str, list, dict]] | LLM response |
error_str | Optional[str] | Optional error string |
error_information | Optional[StandardLoggingPayloadErrorInformation] | Optional error information |
model_parameters | dict | Model parameters |
hidden_params | StandardLoggingHiddenParams | Hidden parameters |
Field | Type | Description |
user_api_key_hash | Optional[str] | Hash of the litellm virtual key |
user_api_key_alias | Optional[str] | Alias of the API key |
user_api_key_org_id | Optional[str] | Organization ID associated with the key |
user_api_key_team_id | Optional[str] | Team ID associated with the key |
user_api_key_user_id | Optional[str] | User ID associated with the key |
user_api_key_team_alias | Optional[str] | Team alias associated with the key |
Inherits from StandardLoggingUserAPIKeyMetadata
and adds:
Field | Type | Description |
spend_logs_metadata | Optional[dict] | Key-value pairs for spend logging |
requester_ip_address | Optional[str] | Requester's IP address |
requester_metadata | Optional[dict] | Additional requester metadata |
Field | Type | Description |
x_ratelimit_limit_requests | int | Rate limit for requests |
x_ratelimit_limit_tokens | int | Rate limit for tokens |
x_ratelimit_remaining_requests | int | Remaining requests in rate limit |
x_ratelimit_remaining_tokens | int | Remaining tokens in rate limit |
Field | Type | Description |
model_id | Optional[str] | Optional model ID |
cache_key | Optional[str] | Optional cache key |
api_base | Optional[str] | Optional API base URL |
response_cost | Optional[str] | Optional response cost |
additional_headers | Optional[StandardLoggingAdditionalHeaders] | Additional headers |
batch_models | Optional[List[str]] | Only set for Batches API. Lists the models used for cost calculation |
Field | Type | Description |
model_map_key | str | Model map key |
model_map_value | Optional[ModelInfo] | Optional model information |
Field | Type | Description |
error_str | str | Error string |
traceback_str | str | Traceback string |
model | str | Model name |
cache_hit | Optional[bool] | Whether cache was hit |
custom_llm_provider | Optional[str] | Optional custom LLM provider |
base_model | Optional[str] | Optional base model |
call_type | str | Call type |
custom_pricing | Optional[bool] | Whether custom pricing was used |
Field | Type | Description |
error_code | Optional[str] | Optional error code (eg. "429") |
error_class | Optional[str] | Optional error class (eg. "RateLimitError") |
llm_provider | Optional[str] | LLM provider that returned the error (eg. "openai")` |
A literal type with two possible values: